Berikut soal jumlbe sentence atau kalimat acak menjadi UN Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs:
Soal No 1:
2. Newton joined the Royal Mint in London in 1696.
3. Three years later he became Master of the Mint and a rich man, but he never married, and he lived simply.
4. Two years later he was knighted Sir Isaac Newton by Queen Anne.
5. In 1703 Newton became president of the Royal Society.
6. He also kept up his argument with Leibniz.
7. For the rest of his life he was in charge of the Royal Mint.
8. Newton was now 57 years old.
9. Isaac Newton died in London on March 20, 1727, at the age of 85.
Soal No 2:
Indikator: Menyusun kata-kata menjadi paragraph linier.
2. Arrange the sentences below into a coherent paragraph.
2. Madagascar is an island 250 miles off the coast of Africa.
3. The island today is a refuge for many forms of life that have become rare or extinct in other parts of the world.
4. For example, up to 80 percent of Madagascar’s plant species are unique to the island.
5. In addition, about 46 kinds of birds are found nowhere else.
6. Lemurs, which else where were unable to compete with their larger primate cousins, the monkeys, continue to thrive in the isolation of Madagascar.
A. 2-1-3-4-5-6
B. 2-3-1-5-4-6
C. 2-4-5-1-6-3
D. 2-6-4-3-1-5
Pembahasan: Seperti soal sebelumnya, kalimat di atas terdiri atas kalimat-kalimat yang dijelaskan dan kalimat yang menerangkan. Misalnya kalimat nomor 3 itu niscaya yang membuktikan kalimat nomor 1, bukan kalimat yang lain. melaluiataubersamaini demikian sanggup dipastikan pilihan jawabanan soal di atas yang paling benar yaitu A.
Soal No 1:
Indikator: Menyusun kata-kata menjadi paragraph linier.
Indikator soal: Disajikan 8 kalimat yang diacak, siswa sanggup memilih susunan kalimat yang sempurna untuk membentuk paragraph atau teks yang padu
1. Rearrange the following sentences into a coherent paragraph or text.
2. Newton joined the Royal Mint in London in 1696.
3. Three years later he became Master of the Mint and a rich man, but he never married, and he lived simply.
4. Two years later he was knighted Sir Isaac Newton by Queen Anne.
5. In 1703 Newton became president of the Royal Society.
6. He also kept up his argument with Leibniz.
7. For the rest of his life he was in charge of the Royal Mint.
8. Newton was now 57 years old.
9. Isaac Newton died in London on March 20, 1727, at the age of 85.
A. 2-1-3-6-7-4-5-9-8
B. 2-1-7-8-3-5-6-9-5
C. 2-1-3-8-7-6-5-4-9
D. 2-3-1-7-8-5-6-9-4
B. 2-1-7-8-3-5-6-9-5
C. 2-1-3-8-7-6-5-4-9
D. 2-3-1-7-8-5-6-9-4
Pembahasan: Kalimat di atas terdiri atas kalimat-kalimat yang dijelaskan dan kalimat yang menerangkan.Bila kita menjodohkan dua-dua antara kalimat yang dijelaskan dan yang membuktikan maka susunan jawabanan C menjadi yang paling tepat. Selain cara ini kita juga melihat urutan tahun kejadiannya. Berdasarkan hukum ini maka pilihan jawabanan yang paling benar yaitu C.
Soal No 2:
Indikator: Menyusun kata-kata menjadi paragraph linier.
Indikator soal: Disajikan 6 kalimat yang diacak, siswa sanggup memilih susunan kalimat yang sempurna untuk membentuk paragraph atau teks yang padu
2. Arrange the sentences below into a coherent paragraph.
2. Madagascar is an island 250 miles off the coast of Africa.
3. The island today is a refuge for many forms of life that have become rare or extinct in other parts of the world.
4. For example, up to 80 percent of Madagascar’s plant species are unique to the island.
5. In addition, about 46 kinds of birds are found nowhere else.
6. Lemurs, which else where were unable to compete with their larger primate cousins, the monkeys, continue to thrive in the isolation of Madagascar.
A. 2-1-3-4-5-6
B. 2-3-1-5-4-6
C. 2-4-5-1-6-3
D. 2-6-4-3-1-5
Pembahasan: Seperti soal sebelumnya, kalimat di atas terdiri atas kalimat-kalimat yang dijelaskan dan kalimat yang menerangkan. Misalnya kalimat nomor 3 itu niscaya yang membuktikan kalimat nomor 1, bukan kalimat yang lain. melaluiataubersamaini demikian sanggup dipastikan pilihan jawabanan soal di atas yang paling benar yaitu A.
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